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  • Is this business legitimate ?
    Absolutely! Our host agency has over 30 years of history and experience in the travel industry and hold respective legal licenses: ABTA/ IATA / CLIA & ATOL.
  • How much does it cost to join ?
    There is a small investment of £156/$199.90. This will give you full access to the the program, including your agent credentials and training as-well as the opportunity to refer other people and earn additional streams of income. You then pay £46/$39.95 a month which gives you continued access to your sites, admin, support, training and back office systems.
  • What if I join and change my mind?
    You can cancel at any time.
  • Are prices competitive with what is in the market?
    Yes our prices are very competitive. There is a variety of platforms to utilise with our program which have competitive rates.
  • Can I share this with other people ?
    Absolutely! When you share the opportunity you can generate mulitple streams of weekly and monthly, leveraged and residual income...!
  • Will I get support?
    Yes you will, we work together as a community and a family to ensure every member is supported in all aspects.
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